Feature Ideas

  1. An image grid with wider images

    I would like to change the image grid size, with larger images to have a better experience while browsing on Flim

    #Features πŸ› 


  2. Brightness of shot

    I find that 95% of interior shots are darkly lit. It would be good to be able to filter images by brightness. I've tried using the colour filter, but it doesn't really fix the issue.

    Anonymous Lion
    #Features πŸ› 


  3. Simple 'Favourite' Button.

    Just a simple heart button or bookmark button where you simply save the image for later. 'Collections' are great but I don't always want to download them all. It would be great to save images to diff folders too. Within Flim.

    Anonymous Tarpon
    #Features πŸ› #Improvement πŸ‘


  4. Story and Filming Location Filter

    Narrow down searches by country/city. Most relevant filter would be for story location, but also filming location would be useful for finiding relevant references for where the story takes place.

    Anonymous Sheep
    #Features πŸ› #Improvement πŸ‘


  5. Page scrolling down after closing a still

    When going through the grid view (be it on the main search page or in a specific film), selecting a still and then closing said still (the grey in-page segment with the still in big and suggestions for similar) the page scrolls down, meaning the page isn't the same as before opening it. You have to go one to two rows up searching for the still you were viewing to continue going through them. It isn't a major bug at all, but it gets a bit annoying when you want to (quickly) brows through the grid but have to scroll up and search where you left off every time you want to view a still in big.

    Anonymous Tapir
    #Bug πŸ›


  6. Classify by type the filmography of each artistΒ 

    I would like to see on each card about an artist (director, DOP, actor etc) his or her filmography classified by type (music videos, ads, movies etc.) before having access to the titles.Β 

    Anonymous Iguana


  7. Back Button on References

    The idea of going down a reference scroll hole feels like a large part of Flim. But if I find a reference I like and then click on one the suggested images below it - there is no way of going back to the previous image I looked at. It's forever lost. Needing the recreating of starting from the starting image and trying to find my way back through. Please add a back button. So when I select an image, select one of the next suggested similar images, I can go back to the original source. Even if I'm ten clicks down, I want to be able to get back to the original image, or any within the scroll hole I might be in.

    Anonymous Flounder


  8. Improve Filtering

    Please improve filtering tools and search bar + let’s see the « #Β Β» the images are filtered under and make them clickable (for inspiration : shotdeck has good # and filtering possibilities to narrow down researches) Thanks

    Anonymous Beagle
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  9. Match frames with my own pictures

    It would be awesome to upload my own picture and show similar movie frames results

    Anonymous Beagle
    #Features πŸ› #Improvement πŸ‘


  10. 1 artist = 1 page (for those who are both Director, DOP etc.)

    1 artist = 1 page, rather than different pages, with possibility to filter by job inside the card

    Anonymous Iguana
    #Features πŸ› 


  11. Time code on the image

    Is it possible to display the time code of the images ?

    Anonymous Tiffany
    #Features πŸ› 


  12. Google image interface on Flim

    It would be better to have the new Google image interface on Flim. When you select an image the image goes on the right of the screen.

    Anonymous Tiffany
    #Styling 🎨


  13. `remember me` - cookie login

    love your service but i have to LOGIN every single time i visit... very annoying. god even had to login to post this, AGAIN, i always already logged in

    Jonathan M


  14. Can we not update the search result every time I type?

    When I'm trying to write something out and add something to the keyword, it updates letter by letter. It slows down the browsing and sometimes it bugs out and shows nothing unless I refresh.

    Anonymous Scorpion
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Bug πŸ›


  15. Last Seen activity under licences

    Last Seen activity under licences for collaborators

    Anonymous Aurochs
    #Features πŸ› #Improvement πŸ‘
